On The River Bank In 2013

On The River Bank In 2013

On The River Bank In 2013

On The River Bank In 2013

On The River Bank In 2013

Original link [Uploaded.net]

On Flussufer2013
Incl: SchweineMod / feed store / Watermod / manure slurry shredded sale

Version 1a
What was done?
Pig mod was involved
Butcher in the village
PDA has been Updated
You do not need an extra Scrpite! Please remove it from your modfolder before the game.

I hope I have chosen the admission of the building properly.

It is advisable to start a new game since you’ve Grass bask in the pigsty.

To the map!
The I3d. is 37MB
Logfehler? Are not known to me!
The Map Along the river is a map completely rebuilt and is made with the 1.4 patch, needed is!
The idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media from LS2011 …
This map is not a replica of 1to1 but with other Objeckten, the location of buildings correspond roughly to the Riverside Map!

This map has the standard LS13 fruit varieties
Available is the feed store and the pig farm next to the pasture, grass and dung manure and bale Hächslegut you can in Gärterei and Sell

gets a little money for it ..
To get a loan from the bank to pay it back or you have to drive to the village nächstgelegende. (Anscheint If the country has no internet yet :))

You can leave the fruit types as follows:

— Slaughterhouse: Pigs / price is displayed per pig in the PDA!
Country South trade: wheat barley rape maize potatoes beet eggs / still exists a small gas station
North Country Trade: wheat barley rape maize potatoes beet eggs / still exists a small gas station
———- Port: wheat barley rape maize potatoes turnips
Backfactory —-: wheat barley rape maize
—— Nursery: Grass straw bales manure slurry Hächselgut
—— Spinning: Wool

Rot, decay: is Off

You can buy the fields as usual I hope the prices are not too low, but who’s playing on hard will enjoy its.
I have no horseshoes involved in the map and no Misionen! It’s all here at a Country or shank?
The textures on the map I designed them all myself


* If Needed! Pigs transport trailer: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/joskin-betimax-rds-7500–2
————— Milk sell stop: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/stopmilksale / Prevents the automatic milk sales
* If Needed! Milk Trailer Water Trailer: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/milchtrailer-wassertrailer
* If Needed! Transport packaging for food storage: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/transportpack-fuer-futterlager
* If Needed! Manure trailer sales: http://forbidden-mods.phpbb8.de/gullefasser-spritzen-dungerstreuer-f71/tsl-gulle-tridem-t234.html
————— Claas Lexion 770 TerraTrac Package: http://www.landwirtschafts-simulator.de/mod.php?lang=de&mod_id=163
————— Placeable pile V2: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/platzierbare-haufen–3 Since I have no silage pile at feed stores



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